Suggested Books on NVLD:
- Understanding Nonverbal Learning Disability A Guide to Symptoms, Management, and Treatment 1st Edition. Authors: Irene C. Mammarella, Ramona Cardillo, Jessica Broitman
This book offers a comprehensive explanation of the science behind NVLD as well as ideas, support, and practical tips for managing the everyday challenges of the disorder both at school and in family life. - Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. Authors: Cesare Cornoldi, Irene C. Mammarella, and Jodene Goldenring Fine. Many professionals and educators have little understanding of the NVLD and how to differentiate it from other DSM-5 disorders, such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Coordination disorders. The authors discuss the controversies surrounding this disorder and why it is not yet included in the DSM and ICD classifications of mental disorders, despite many more children, adolescents and adults being diagnosed with NVLD.
NVLD and Developmental Visual-Spatial Disorder in Children. Author: Amy Margolis, Ph.D. This book explores the issues related to NVLD and how it affects the child’s functioning and learning. It also offers a definition for understanding NVLD as a core deficit of visual spatial processing.
The Source for Nonverbal Learning Disorders. Author: Sue Thompson This book explains NVLD, as well as the needs of children with NVLD and aids in the identification and intervention strategies.
- Thinking of You, Thinking of Me. Author: Michelle Garcia Winner The author addresses the issue of social thinking skills and the importance of developing skills including understanding the perspectives of others, understanding feelings and reading nonverbal cues, starting and maintaining a conversation, problem solving, and so forth. Social thinking issues affect children with NVLD, but they are also known to affect children diagnosed with high functioning Autism (Asperger’s Disorder), ADHD, and other social and communication challenges. There is an excellent complementary workbook of activites that accompanies the theoretical explanations to help promote and develop the lagging skills.